Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Breakfast: The most important meal of the day

Breakfast literally means “to break the fast”. After a night’s rest, your blood sugar, or glucose levels, are very low since you’ve been asleep without a meal for 6-10 hours. Your body is basically running on empty in the morning. Having donuts and sugary products will give you a quick spike in glucose, followed by a large drop, and then leave you hungry again, leading to weight gain.

What happens when we don’t supply our brains with enough energy for the day? We tend to
become irritable, lethargic, and even develop headaches. The best solution to avoid these things is to make sure our body has the calories and nutrients it needs to help us think clearly the whole day. The best place to start is with breakfast.

A healthy breakfast can be as simple as a banana and peanut butter sandwich. Make the bread whole-grain and you have an even healthier meal.

A healthy breakfast can improve our attention and concentration on our morning tasks. This is especially important for school aged children. Teachers often report that children who don’t eat breakfast become restless and inattentive by late morning.

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