Monday, April 16, 2012

Boost brain power to prevent memory loss

From YOU Docs:

Before you find yourself searching to remember, take note. Really, take note! (Writing things down is a big memory boost to prevent Alzheimer's disease and dementia.) You can maintain — even improve — brain power when you hit your prime (45 years and older), and we YOU Docs want you to do so. (How else will you remember what we write in these columns?) Pumping up your brain power helps prevent memory loss.

Your goal is to make your heart strong and your arteries open and flexible for rivers of nutrient-delivering blood. You’ll slow aging of thought-transmitting neurons, and grow — or regrow — your neurons with exercise and some healthy foods. The result: A brain RealAge that even a Jeopardy! champ like Ken Jennings would envy.

To slow age-related mental decline, dig into:
Also amp up your physical activity. Walk at least 10,000 steps a day and rev production of your brain cells’ own Miracle Grow, BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). You'll end up with more brain cells and better neural connections. You’ll also control blood sugar and blood pressure. (Too high and they beat up your brain.) Dr. Mike's recommended numbers for BP are 115/75; Dr. Oz stays around 110/75.

Test your memory with these mind-stretching brain games.

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