Thursday, March 29, 2012

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Monday, March 26, 2012

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Try Something New!

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Weight Loss Standings - March

Congratulations to all of the participants on your weight loss efforts through the first half of Wells Weighs In!  Below are the results from the March weigh in, listed in order from highest percentage lost to least (see below the first table to locate where your team falls on our alphabetical list): 

Here We Go Again 11.44
Sister Squad 8.84
What, You Ain't Got No Bacon? 8.32
Fitness Protection Program 7.57
3 Ladies & A Gent 7.41
Team Umi Zoomi 6.91
The Hunt Club 6.76
Winning Rockstars From Mars 6.29
Shape Shifters 6.25
The Smallest Winners 6.17
Carpe Diem 6.01
Phabulous Phattys 5.51
Waist Watchers 5.45
3 gents & a lady 5.33
In It To Win It 5.25
Drop It All 5.19
Phabulous Phattys Jr 5.00
Cruisin' For Losin' 4.97
Believer & Receiver 4.94
Waist Management 4.89
Fluff to Buff 4.78
3rd Times The Charm 4.76
Moderation in Motion 4.69
Slim Jims 4.57
Chunky But Funky 4.56
The Losing Winners 4.55
Losin' to Win 4.49
The Flabuless Four 4.47
Everything Jiggles 4.45
Withering A-Weigh 4.41
Pork Choppers 4.24
Bootylicious Babes 4.20
The Arubians 4.18
A Family Affair + the Girl Next Door 4.16
Heavenly Fluff 4.04
No Excuses 3.87
Mass Effects 3.86
Team Campbell/Gerber 3.67
Team BAJA 3.51
3 Crackers & Bean Dip 3.51
Gym Class Heroes 3.46
Doodle Bugs 3.45
4 for Fun 3.37
Once Again 3.35
Just Us Four 3.30
Mission Possible 3.22
Fat Busters 3.16
Neighbors On The Go 3.16
Health-n-Mind 2.99
Ehrman Team 2.89
Punchy's Group 2.89
Chub Club 2.74
Weight Lifted 2.68
Booty Bustin Divas 2.68
Transformers 2.64
Iron Schoeffs 2.60
Chubby Buddies 2.56
3 downsizing divas plus one weight losing warrior 2.54
Loser Moms 2.51
Four Play 2.51
W8 - B - Gone! 2.48
Weapons of Mass Reduction 2.41
Y Friends 2.40
Team Stroud 2.37
3 pharm girls & a trucker 2.37
1 lb at a time 2.32
Dream Team 2.30
Balancing Well for Life 2.29
Brat Pack 2.04
Amazing Losers 1.93
Weighing Our Options 1.92
Double Trouble Times Two 1.86
Salon 29:11 1.80
God's Warriors 1.70
Determined Divas 1.69
Mission "Slim"possible 1.63
ACDC Chicks 1.61
Weigh Down 1.55
Pink Ladies 1.54
Fat Fighting Four 1.43
Berne's Born Losers 1.42
Pound Droppers 1.23
A Family Affair 1.21
Uncle Bernie & The Blubbers 1.13
Bold Brits 1.09
The Teddys 0.98
Still think and tired 0.93
Big Bones 0.90
AdvoCARE Champs 0.88
The Gentis Jiggle Joggers 0.85
Chunky Dunkin' to Skinny Dippin' 0.83
Just Aiming to Jump 0.75
Markle Crew 0.71
Jake Inskeep 0.66
Disappearing Divas 0.51
Graceful Losers 0.50
Night Walkerz 0.42
Four Fat Friends 0.00
Mama's Family Again 0.00
Kickin' it with God -0.21
Chubby Cheeks -0.62

Results by Team Name:

1 lb at a time 2.32
3 Crackers & Bean Dip 3.51
3 downsizing divas plus one weight losing warrior 2.54
3 gents & a lady 5.33
3 Ladies & A Gent 7.41
3 pharm girls & a trucker 2.37
3rd Times The Charm 4.76
4 for Fun 3.37
A Family Affair 1.21
A Family Affair + the Girl Next Door 4.16
ACDC Chicks 1.61
AdvoCARE Champs 0.88
Amazing Losers 1.93
Balancing Well for Life 2.29
Believer & Receiver 4.94
Berne's Born Losers 1.42
Big Bones 0.90
Bold Brits 1.09
Booty Bustin Divas 2.68
Bootylicious Babes 4.20
Brat Pack 2.04
Carpe Diem 6.01
Chub Club 2.74
Chubby Buddies 2.56
Chubby Cheeks -0.62
Chunky But Funky 4.56
Chunky Dunkin' to Skinny Dippin' 0.83
Cruisin' For Losin' 4.97
Determined Divas 1.69
Disappearing Divas 0.51
Doodle Bugs 3.45
Double Trouble Times Two 1.86
Dream Team 2.30
Drop It All 5.19
Ehrman Team 2.89
Everything Jiggles 4.45
Fat Busters 3.16
Fat Fighting Four 1.43
Fitness Protection Program 7.57
Fluff to Buff 4.78
Four Fat Friends 0.00
Four Play 2.51
God's Warriors 1.70
Graceful Losers 0.50
Gym Class Heroes 3.46
Health-n-Mind 2.99
Heavenly Fluff 4.04
Here We Go Again 11.44
In It To Win It 5.25
Iron Schoeffs 2.60
Jake Inskeep 0.66
Just Aiming to Jump 0.75
Just Us Four 3.30
Kickin' it with God -0.21
Loser Moms 2.51
Losin' to Win 4.49
Mama's Family Again 0.00
Markle Crew 0.71
Mass Effects 3.86
Mission "Slim"possible 1.63
Mission Possible 3.22
Moderation in Motion 4.69
Neighbors On The Go 3.16
Night Walkerz 0.42
No Excuses 3.87
Once Again 3.35
Phabulous Phattys 5.51
Phabulous Phattys Jr 5.00
Pink Ladies 1.54
Pork Choppers 4.24
Pound Droppers 1.23
Punchy's Group 2.89
Salon 29:11 1.80
Shape Shifters 6.25
Sister Squad 8.84
Slim Jims 4.57
Still think and tired 0.93
Team BAJA 3.51
Team Campbell/Gerber 3.67
Team Stroud 2.37
Team Umi Zoomi 6.91
The Arubians 4.18
The Flabuless Four 4.47
The Gentis Jiggle Joggers 0.85
The Hunt Club 6.76
The Losing Winners 4.55
The Smallest Winners 6.17
The Teddys 0.98
Transformers 2.64
Uncle Bernie & The Blubbers 1.13
W8 - B - Gone! 2.48
Waist Management 4.89
Waist Watchers 5.45
Weapons of Mass Reduction 2.41
Weigh Down 1.55
Weighing Our Options 1.92
Weight Lifted 2.68
What, You Ain't Got No Bacon? 8.32
Winning Rockstars From Mars 6.29
Withering A-Weigh 4.41
Y Friends 2.40

Monday, March 19, 2012

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March Weigh In!!

Our 3rd weigh-in is right around the corner in the Wells Weighs In competition!  It will take place on Thursday, March 15th.  You can take advantage of our three time options as well as the two different locations we offer.  Each time and location is listed in your orange booklet you received last weigh-in.  Keep up the tremendous job!! 

Protein snacks curb hunger

If just the thought of starting another diet leaves you hungrier than a teenager at soccer camp, we've got two words for you: protein snacks. Yes, plural! Adding not one, but two, high-protein snacks a day to a pounds-off program sets you up for three rewards:
  • More satisfaction and less hunger, so sticking with a diet is easier.
  • More weight loss -- up to double what you get with snacks that have the same calories but high carbs, like granola bars or crackers.
  • A healthier muscle-to-fat ratio when you hit your goal, which increases coordination, too (salsa lessons, anyone?).
Keeping muscle is a priority for anyone who's trying to lose weight, especially if you're old enough to have seen the Beatles or I Love Lucy the first time around. That's because you naturally lose muscle as you accumulate birthdays. And since muscle cells burn more calories than fat does, muscle helps keep that weight off. And (here's where those snacks come in) your body needs protein to make muscle.

What belongs on your high-protein snack list? A cup of plain, fat-free, no-sugar-added Greek yogurt sprinkled with walnuts. A few slices of broiled or baked chicken breast (skip the skin). A glass of skim milk and a hard-boiled egg. Hummus smeared on red pepper strips. Peanut butter stuffed into celery. Or a yummy smoothie made from silken tofu whirled with frozen berries and a banana. Add a splash of OJ and some ice during the dog days of summer if you prefer your protein extra frosty.

Monday, March 12, 2012

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Need help losing weight? Top 20 weight loss tips

Q. I need to lose a lot of weight. I'm making progress but I need weight loss help. We're going to Disneyland on December 3 and my goal is to be less than 300 pounds by then. I've followed many YOU Docs weight loss tips -- especially walking 10,000 steps a day (11,472 yesterday!). At first, the pounds flew off. But now it's slowed down. I currently weigh 315. How do I lose more and keep it off? 
-- Barry S., Whitehall, PA

A. Great progress (congratulations!) and great, important questions. We YOU Docs get asked these more often than the NBA gets asked about the lockout. So, we're devoting some extra space to the top 20 weight loss tips from one of our best-sellers (thanks, all!), "YOU: On a Diet."
  • Eat five or six times a day so you're never hungry (three meals and two or three snacks).
  • Close the kitchen 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Choose a few healthful meals each for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and stick with them. Fewer choices lessen temptation.
  • Ditto for snacks.
  • Always keep your meal/snack foods around so you're never without healthful options.
  • Stash these for hunger emergencies: apples, almonds, walnuts, edamame.
  • Read the ingredient lists on everything in your kitchen, fridge, desk drawer, wherever you keep food. Throw out anything that lists the following in the first five ingredients:
  • Added sugars and/or syrups (high-fructose corn syrup, for example)
  • Trans fats (anything that has the word "hydrogenated")
  • Saturated fats
  • Non-whole-grain flours (including enriched or bleached flours)
  • Use heart-healthy olive oil or canola oil instead of butter.
  • Use a 9-inch luncheon plate for meals. Smaller plates promote smaller portions.
  • Don't go back for seconds.
  • Don't keep platters of food on the table.
  • At restaurants, request half portions. Share the other half with a friend or ask your server to box the other half in advance to take home.
  • Or, order a healthful appetizer and soup or salad instead of an entrĂ©e.
  • Eat far more plants and fish than poultry.
  • Rarely eat red meat, and never eat cold cuts.
  • Keep portion sizes reasonable (not like the gigundo ones restaurants serve). Here are some size-comparison samples:
  • Chicken or fish = a deck of cards
  • Baked potato = a computer mouse
  • Brown rice or whole wheat pasta = a baseball
  • Non-whole-grain flours (including enriched or bleached flours)
  • Fruits and vegetables = a fist
  • Cheese (low/no-fat) = 4 cubes the size of dice
  • Peanut butter = a golf ball
  • Oil = a poker chip
  • Walk every day. NO EXCUSES! Build up to 10,000 steps daily.
  • Stretch quietly for a few minutes after walking. Stretching keeps you limber, and its meditative element helps you resist cravings.
  • Do strength training for 10 minutes three times a week (alternate days).
  • When you hit a plateau, increase strength training for several weeks and use 7-inch plates for 2 weeks.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Click here to learn more.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Make your workout feel like a breeze

It would be so great if we could figure out a way of making workouts feel easy-breezy for everyone. Right? So here's the trick: Give yourself a mental-image pep talk.

Apparently, imagining yourself sailing right through a workout just before you go at it can actually make the exercise feel easier, according to Tina Vindum, exercise expert and author of Outdoor Fitness.

Here's the three-step process she swears by:
  • Picture it. Before your workout or during warm-ups, close your eyes and visualize yourself doing your thing with ease. Take a few deep breaths, and imagine the air filling your lungs and delivering oxygen to every muscle of your body. Exhale deeply. (Do you breathe correctly? Try this tune-up.)

  • Feel it. Think about how it feels to hold your spine straight and your head high during your workout, and imagine it all feeling effortless. Picture your workout environment, and imagine yourself moving powerfully, effortlessly, and confidently through your run, walk, hike, or exercise class. (No time for the gym? Here's the solution.)

  • Integrate it. Take these images, feelings, and thoughts with you as you step into your workout. Try this trick for burning more calories without exercising harder.)

Monday, March 5, 2012

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Friday, March 2, 2012

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The best way to wash fruit and vegetables

From YOU Docs Daily:

Q. I don't have access to fresh organic produce. Does washing regular stuff well help reduce the toxins?
 — Anonymous, via e-mail

A. Yes, but you'll need to be a bit OCD about detoxing your fruit and veggies to eliminate any pesticide hangers-on. Let us tell you how it's done:

Wash all fruits and vegetables vigorously for 30 to 60 seconds. Yes, pre-washed produce, too — using a brush and running water. This can be as effective as washing in chlorinated water, which reduces bacteria as much as 100-fold.

Wash the "toxic 10" twice. These 10 fruits and veggies have the most pesticides: apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, imported grapes, kale, lettuce, nectarines, peaches, and strawberries. Remove and discard the outer layers of leafy greens before washing; pesticides are concentrated there.

Scrub produce with inedible skins, too This includes citrus, melons, squash, even bananas — especially if you're slicing into them. The blade will drive toxins from the skin to the inside.

If you do find organic produce, wash it, too. You need to remove all the natural stuff used as fertilizer.